How to Cite

Mol, Eva and Lodwick, Lisa (Eds.): AIAC-Round Table Discussion. Diversity in the Past, Diversity in the Present? Issues of Gender, Whiteness, and Class in ‘Classical’ Archaeology: Panel 12.10, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 52).


ISBN 978-3-947450-94-7 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947450-95-4 (Hardcover)




Eva Mol (Ed.), Lisa Lodwick (Ed.)

AIAC-Round Table Discussion. Diversity in the Past, Diversity in the Present? Issues of Gender, Whiteness, and Class in ‘Classical’ Archaeology

Panel 12.10

This small volume within the AIAC-proceedings is the result of a panel discussion on diversity in Classical Archaeology, and can be read as a call and pamphlet for more inclusivity and social justice in the field. In light of the dismay of many concerning the initial all-male keynote panel at AIAC2018, the panel was aimed at discussing broader issues concerning diversity and intersectionality in Greco-Roman archaeology. As archaeologists, we have made it one of our principal tasks to bring to the fore ‘the people without history’ and show a more diverse image of the Greek and Roman past. Then why is this diversity not reflected in the discipline itself? The all-male panel was symptomatic of more fundamental problems that the discipline suffers from, both in terms of gender and its inseparably related issues of whiteness, class, and the ‘Classical’. The AIAC-panel proved to be a constructive and empowering meeting ground, where vital matters of inequality and injustice were discussed, as well as the discipline’s capability of moving towards a more self-reflexive and socially engaged future. The contributions in this volume count as a reflection of this fruitful and ongoing debate, which will hopefully lead to more awareness as well as more dialogue.

Eva Mol: works at the Institute of Archaeology at UCL, teaching and researching Greco-Roman art and archaeology (projects on Egypt in Rome and materiality and myth in the Greco-Roman world), with a special interest in matters of social justice in Classical archaeology.

Lisa Lodwick: Research Fellow at All Souls College, University of Oxford; since 2017 researching and teaching in Iron Age and Roman agricultural economy and archaeobotany.


Table of Contents
Eva Mol
Diversity in the Past, Diversity in the Present?
Issues of Gender, Whiteness, and Class in Classical Archaeology
Ingrid Berg
Legacies of Inequality – Learning from Critical Histories of Archaeology
Matthew J. Mandich
Increasing Diversity in Classical Archaeology: An International Collaboration
Excavations at the Horrea Agrippiana in the Forum Romanum (The Signum Vortumni Project)
Lisa Lodwick
Some Brief Statistics on Women in Classical Archaeology
