How to Cite

Gassner, Verena (Ed.): Regional exchange of ceramics – case studies and methodology: Panel 5.7, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 30).


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ISBN 978-3-947450-83-1 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947450-84-8 (Softcover)




Verena Gassner (Ed.)

Regional exchange of ceramics – case studies and methodology

Panel 5.7

Pottery vessels and other ceramic objects constitute important sources for issues of trade and exchange in Antique societies as they are available in great quantities and as their provenance often can be determined by archaeological or archaeometric methods. Most studies on the exchange of ceramics however concentrate on aspects of long-distance trade, as differences between wares and/ or types produced in different, far distant regions can be recognized more easily. This fact, together with the psychological fact of the greater attractiveness of these items, might have lead to an exaggerated perception of the amount of goods traded via the oversea trade in the archaeological record. In contrast to this, aspects of regional exchange between neighbouring cities have not been given the same attention in the field of Mediterranean archaeology, although they might give important insights into the problems of regional connectivity and they also had greater importance during Antiquity than normally assumed. One of the reasons of this deficit can certainly be found in the difficulty of clearly and unambiguously distinguishing ceramics produced within one r egion f rom e ach other, a s t hey o ften s hare the s ame repertory of shapes or decoration styles.
This panel comprises case studies from different areas and different periods of the Mediterranean, all of which clearly demonstrate the difficulties in reconstructing networks of regional exchange, but also show their importance for the economy of ancient towns.

Verena Gassner is associate professor at the Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna. Her research focus lies on the archaeology of Lower Italy and Asia Minor as well as the Roman Danube provinces, having participated in numerous excavations in these regions. She is a pottery specialist focussing her research on interdisciplinary studies in cooperation with archaeometrics.


Table of Contents
Martin Bentz, Michael Heinzelmann
Segolene Maudet
The regional Scale: a new Perspective on Ceramic Exchanges in Campania (8th–6th centuries BC)
Nora Voss
Trade in the Decapolis-Region (Jordan)
P. Vivacqua, M. T. Iannelli
Ports and trades in central-Tyrrhenian Bruttium between II BC and II AD: the case of Vibo Valentia (Calabria/Italy)
Barbara Borgers
Roman cooking vessels as indicator for regional trade in the Pontine region, Central Italy
Antonella Mandruzzato, Martina Seifert, Debora Oswald
Roman Pottery from Lilybaeum
Some remarks on imported products and transmarine contacts
Petya Ilieva
Between Therme and Troy: the ceramic exchange in the regional network of the northern Aegean in the late 8th and early 7th c. BC
Torben Keßler
Reading connectivity on decorative grounds
A statistics-based approach to investigate interregional relations in early Iron Age Greece
