How to Cite

Equini Schneider, Eugenia (Ed.): Men, Goods and Ideas Travelling over the Sea. Cilicia at the Crossroad of Eastern Mediterranean Trade Network: Panel 5.16, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 35).


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ISBN 978-3-947450-81-7 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947450-82-4 (Softcover)




Eugenia Equini Schneider (Ed.)

Men, Goods and Ideas Travelling over the Sea. Cilicia at the Crossroad of Eastern Mediterranean Trade Network

Panel 5.16

Thanks to its specific geographical position, at the crossroads of the most important sea and land trading routes, in a necessary point of transition and interconnection between Syria, Cyprus and Egypt, Cilicia has always played a distinctive role within the context of cultural, social and commercial exchanges in the Mediterranean area. In particular during its Romanisation, the commercial relations with the various areas of the Empire were of fundamental importance, and particularly the relations with the Eastern Mediterranean, which were substantial, and were constantly maintained until the first Byzantine age. The subject of this panel was an assessment of the present knowledge on this region, focusing on integrated studies on production exchanges, trade and transport in the Mediterranean. Underwater research, archaeological and geophysical investigation about harbour basins, the study of production facilities, analysis of material culture and numismatic evidence have led and are still leading to an exhaustive picture of the changes and transformations involving the region and the urban centres throughout centuries as a result of evolving large-scale economic and social processes. The resulting large amount of information about the role played by the region as a production centre and a market-place has created comparative samples for other research under way in Cilicia and south-eastern Turkey.

Eugenia Equini Schneider is emeritus Professor of the Sapienza University of Rome where she taught Classical studies of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.


Table of Contents
Martin Bentz, Michael Heinzelmann
Eugenia Equini Schneider
Men, Goods and Ideas Travelling over the Sea: Cilicia at the Crossroad of Eastern Mediterranean Trade Network
Pascal Arnaud
Non-Coastal Cilician Cities and their Maritime Outlets
Hakan Öniz
Dana Island Shipyard and Underwater Research of the Cilicia Coast 2017
Kamil Levent Zoroğlu
A New Context of Late Roman Pottery from Kelenderis: A Preliminary Discussion
Claudia Tempesta, Maria Francesca Pipere, Valentina Cassiani
Under the Auspices of Aphrodite Euploia: Port Infrastructure and Urban Transformation at Elaiussa Sebaste from the Hellenistic to Byzantine Age
Annalisa Polosa
Elaiussa Sebaste: Monetization
Edoardo Radaelli
Cilician Amphorae in Rome and Ostia during the Middle Imperial Age (2nd – Early 3rd Centuries AD) and Reflections about the Consumption of Their Contents
Veronica Iacomi
Pottery Production in the Urbanscape and the Over Regional Commerce: LR1 Amphorae at Elaiussa and Beyond
