Vetters, Melissa

Melissa Vetters

Die spätbronzezeitlichen Terrakotta-Figurinen aus Tiryns

The monograph contains a detailed study of Mycenaean terracotta figurines in the period of ca. 1450/1430–1070/1060 BCE. The corpus of Mycenaean terracotta figurines from Tiryns in the Argolid with more than 3,200 fragments constitutes the material base for contextual analyses of figurine distributions. The archaeologically well investigated site with its citadel and surrounding lowland settlement is the starting point for investigating uses and interpretations of this class of objects: Case studies of domestic, craft and communal ritual contexts are examined based on the excavation data of this Mycenaean core settlement, but published results from other sites are also integrated into the study.
The publication was undertaken with the assistance of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory.