Rathmann, Michael

Michael Rathmann

Untersuchungen zu den Reichsstraßen in den westlichen Provinzen des Imperium Romanum

The study focuses on the imperial roads in the provinces of the Imperium Romanum, their definition, administration, and financing. On Italian soil, a via publica is defined by legal norms, but for supra-regional roads in the provinces we are dependent on milestones along the route, the connections mentioned in the itineraries, and their representation on the Tabula Peutingeriana. The administration is carried out in Italy by road curators, in the provinces primarily by the cities, selectively supported by the governors; imperial interventions are rare. So the cities along the route are also responsible for its financing and maintenance.

Reviews: Gerion 22, 2004, S. 554f.; sehepunkte 5, 2005, Nr. 9; Gymnasium 112, 2005, S. 570f.; Museum Helveticum 62, 2005, S. 257; Historische Zeitschrift 282, 2006, S. 174f.; Latomus 65, 2006, S. 1072f.; Klio 89, 2007, 237f.; Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 62, 2009, S. 72-74; Gnomon 85, 2013, S. 342-347