Lau, Christian

Christian Lau

Zur Keramikchronologie der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Ostwestfalen anhand der Siedlungen von Enger, Hüllhorst und Kirchlengern im Ravensberger Land

The typology established by Rafael von Uslar in the 1930s as well as the typology and chronology concerning Rhine-Weser-Germanic ceramics (1.-3. century a.d.) are both revised thoroughly in this book. Findings that support the typology and chronology are being organized and serialized (correspondence analysis) at the same time. The study is based on the complete template and the nuanced workup and classification of the ceramics from three imperial settlements in East Westphalia – Enger, Hüllhorst and Kirchlengern – as well as the reanalysis of related ceramics from complexes already published that mostly originate from settlements, too. This type of chronology allows for a more precise dating of settlements of the Roman Empire. On the basis of the ceramics the order of houses and adjoining buildings in the three settlements Enger, Hüllhorst and Kirchlengern have been sketched and dated. The settlement history of the three places has been reconstructed as well.

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