Hemeier, Birthe

Birthe Hemeier

Multiscapes: Eine Methodensuche zur Annäherung an hethitisches Ritualgeschehen im ‚offenen Raum‘

The study of ancient cultic activities has focused largely on architecturally designed sanctuaries in urban spaces. In order to approach ancient ritual activities away from human settlements, this dissertation develops a multisensory analysis model referred to as ‘Multiscapes’.
The model consists of culture-specific narratives (the ‘mindscape’) and the human perceptual potentials of vision (the ‘visionscape’), sound (the ‘soundscape’), smell (the ‘smellscape’), taste (the ‘tastescape’), and touch (the ‘touchscape’).
The model’s practicality is tested in a paradigmatic comparison of conceptual Hittite written sources with implementation potentials on ‘open space’ findings of Late Bronze Age Anatolia.