Hölscher, Tonio

Beatrice Baragli (Ed.), Albert Dietz (Ed.), Zsombor J. Földi (Ed.), Patrizia Heindl (Ed.), Polly Lohmann (Ed.), Sarah P. Schlüter (Ed.)

Distant Worlds and Beyond: Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021)

This special issue of the Distant Worlds Journal concludes the series in the form of a Festschrift for the institution that gave it its name. In this volume, research articles from former members of the Distant Worlds Graduate School have been collected. This volume presents new ideas, methods and ways of thinking gathered during the time at the Graduate School, as well as research conducted or current projects. The range of topics in this issue reflects the multifaceted nature for which the Graduate School in Munich was known. The numerous disciplines and the constant interdisciplinary discourse shaped the thinking and work of all involved.

Pascal Hoffmann (Ed.), Annika Stöger (Ed.)

TOPIARIA ACADEMICA: Beiträge zu aktuellen Trends und Problemen in der Klassischen Archäologie

Just like a tree with many branches, Classical Archaeology can only thrive in the face of this century’s challenges if all of its branches are taken care of as equals. This volume is a collection of contributions by young classical archaeologists who are spread across Europe, but united by their common mentor Caterina Maderna. They present current research and projects related to some of the most pressing themes of classics today, such as the role of museums and social media, new looks at ancient sculpture and coinage, to the application of state-of-the-art methods in excavation and analysis.