Doudalis, Georgios

Georgios Doudalis

Mochlos in the Protopalatial Period: Ceramic Analysis and Social Perspectives in the Middle Bronze Age

Daidalos, Volume 12

This book is focused on the analysis of the ceramic material that was excavated in eight different parts of the Mochlos settlement, covering an extended time span from MM IB (1925/1900-1875/1850 BCE) to MM II (1875/1850-1750/1700). Since the Mochlos material is stratified and covers all three sub-periods of the Protopalatial period (MM IB-MM IIA and MM IIB) it affords a unique opportunity for understanding aspects of production, distribution, and consumption of ceramic material and reflects social dynamics, both intrasettlement and extending into the broader region of the Mirabello Gulf and East Crete.