Bruder, Silva Katherina

Silva Katherina Bruder

Man lebt, wie man wohnt.: Untersuchungen zur Wohnhausarchitektur Mittel- und Norditaliens vom ausgehenden 6. bis zum beginnenden 2. Jh. v. Chr.

Most research into Etruscan-Italic domestic architecture of the 5th to 2nd centuries BC concentrates on idealized floor plans, rigid typologies and pre-defined designations. This study breaks new ground in a holistic approach including floor plans, building techniques, design elements and recurrent activity zones. As a basis for the analysis, the author presents a catalogue of the available material according to uniform, transparent and strictly evidence-based criteria. Thus, by applying selected architectural research methods and using new, independent terms that are as neutral as possible, a picture of a differentiated and diverse residential landscape in central and northern Italy in the post-archaic period becomes visible. Architectural-sociological considerations round off the analysis.