Brandl, Helmut

Caris-Beatrice Arnst (Ed.), Regine Schulz (Ed.)

Typen, Motive, Stilmittel

Art Research and Visual Culture Studies is considered a marginal field in Egyptology today. Thus, the anthology is intended to serve the one for scientific understanding, the other for self-study. Above all, it is intended to stimulate own reflections, if possible in front of the discussed artworks. The contributions demonstrate different procedures, most of which have matured in practice as a result of sharpened, explorative perception. Special concern was to analyse and to interpret the discussed artworks in a comprehensible way and also to deal with applied terms, art historical approaches and methods.
The volume opens a new series published in loose succession on behalf of the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim. The series Beiträge zur altägyptischen Kunst (“Contributions to ancient Egyptian art”– BAK) is specifically dedicated to Art Research and Visual Culture Studies in Egyptology.