Ade, Dorothee

Marianne Dumitrache (Ed.)

Die Konstanzer Marktstätte im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit

Constance is one of the towns in Baden-Württemberg that survived World War II largely undamaged. Due to extensive archaeological remains, which are particularly well preserved under the embankments of the former lake shore, the historic centre of Constance became one of the focal points of the federal state's archaeological heritage management since the 1980s. From 1989 to 1992, large-scale excavations were carried out in the area of the “Marktstätte” (marketplace), which stood out by an exceptional density of archaeological features and large quantities of find material. The detailed analysis of the features and finds presented in this volume provides new insights into the urban development during the Middle Ages and early modern times. In addition to building development, the focus is on medieval land reclamation, harbour construction and early modern marketplace use.

Additional infomations you find here.

Ralph Röber (Ed.)

Konstanz, Obere Augustinergasse: Ein Hinterhofquartier und sein historisch-bauhistorisches Umfeld

The historic centre of Constance, with its historic buildings and excellently preserved archaeological remains, has been one of the focal points of archaeological heritage preservation in the state of Baden-Württemberg since the 1980s. Large-scale excavations were carried out in 1986–1987 in the backyard area of the most important north-south axis in the city, the Hussenstraße. Originally settled in the second half of the 11th century, a higher social class neighbourhood had developed here by the 14th century. The archeological investigations were evaluated in an interdisciplinary approach, starting with the urbanistic and historical context of the residential area and the evaluation of the findings, continuing with the presentation of the finds made of leather, glass, ceramics and metal, and ending with the scientific analysis of the animal bones and insect remains, which allow conclusions about the diet of the inhabitants and the hygienic conditions.