Röder, Christoph

Michael Gottwald

Die Kirche der Wüstung Baumkirchen (Laubach-Freienseen, Landkreis Gießen): Befunde und Funde der Grabungen 2004–2006

In the course of a research project on processes concerning the emergence and abandonment of medieval settlements in the Vorderer Vogelsberg, excavations were carried out from 2004 to 2006 on the church remains of the village of Baumkirchen near Laubach-Freienseen (district of Gießen) in Hesse, which has been deserted in the Late Middle Ages. This study deals with finds and features from the single-nave stone church and the surrounding area. According to the associated finds, the walls of the churchyard encompassed also secular buildings. Village and church were probably abandoned in the same period.