Hofstätter, Ulrich

Pierre Fröhlich (Ed.), Matthias Pichler (Ed.), Christof Schuler (Ed.)

Mehr als nur Sport: GymnAsia in der Antike

The bilingual book accompanying the exhibition “Mehr als nur Sport: GymnAsia in der Antike” was realized as part of a Franco-German research project dealing with the history of the Greek gymnasium in ancient Asia Minor, a part of modern Turkey.
The volume provides an overview of the spread and development of the gymnasium and its role in society, politics and religion from the beginnings in archaic Greece to late antiquity. Special attention is paid to the connection between the gymnasium and the culture of competition that was so characteristic of Greek antiquity.

Ulrich Hofstätter (Ed.), Andrea Schmölder-Veit (Ed.), Nele Schröder-Griebel (Ed.)

Das antike Olympia in München: 1972–2022

On the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Munich Summer Olympic Games, the Classical Plaster Cast Collection is taking the opportunity to revive the special exhibition “100 Years of German Research at Olympia”, which was on display at the Deutsches Museum at the time of the games. This book is dedicated to that exhibition and its prized objects, such as the reconstruction of the western pediment of the Zeus temple including its architectural frame. Other focal points are the history of the sanctuary, the ancient Olympic Games and the scientific exploration of Olympia with special reference to the casts. Additionally, new scientific and educational approaches based on 3D scans and 3D prints are presented.