Dapschauskas, Rimtautas

Rimtautas Dapschauskas

Der evolutionäre Ursprung von Ritualen: Eine disziplinübergreifende Synthese des aktuellen Forschungsstandes aus archäologischer Perspektive

What are rituals, how do they work, when and why did they emerge in the course of human evolution? These questions are addressed in the present work through an extensive, interdisciplinary synthesis. Approaches from evolutionary biology, cognitive science and cultural anthropology are combined and related to the archaeological record of the Paleolithic period. Communal ritual is explicated as a powerful psychosocial technique for social cohesion with a complex evolutionary history. The work demonstrates that ritual is among the central biocultural adaptations of an ultrasocial species, which, as the only hominin species, managed to spread across the entire planet.

Andrew W. Kandel (Ed.), Miriam N. Haidle (Ed.), Christian Sommer (Ed.)

Human Origins – Digital Future: An International Conference about the Future of Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Databases

This eBook presents the proceedings of an online conference entitled, “Human Origins – Digital Future” which took place from 27-31 July 2020. The main aim of the conference was to discuss integrative aspects and approaches for developing, using and securing large scientific databases in the future, specifically in the context of archaeological and paleoanthropological research. The conference focused on how databases with novel information technology can be used to gain new knowledge by linking, retrieving and analyzing archaeological, paleoanthropological, paleobiological and geographical information. In addition to addressing fundamental questions of digitalization and open science, the conference examined approaches using innovative methods. Given the digital nature of the conference, we designed the format of this publication to employ multimedia and interactive features. Therefore, this volume brings together the abstracts of the talks, each containing a link that allows the reader to view the video as presented at the conference. In addition, the volume closes with a round-table discussion that can be accessed through links to interviews about selected topics related to the future of databases.