EVA Berlin

EVA Berlin


The EVA-Conferences are an international forum for users, developers and other stakeholders in electronic documentation and communication technologies for the cultural sector. With venues in Berlin, Florence, London, Saint Petersburg and Jerusalem, the conferences present ambitious digitization projects dealing with cultural heritage, network-based research and mediation collaborations as well as information technology services for museums, libraries and archives.

The focus of the Berlin EVA-Conferences is on current projects that are application-focused and technologically advanced. The conference, workshop and accompanying exhibition present examples of successfully implemented innovative approaches to projects of this kind. They address new technological opportunities enabled through network based exchange of information, electronic documentation and digital reproduction as well as focusing on issues associated with methods and licensing. The discourse between memory institutions, technology providers and public administrators stimulates cooperative collaboration.

Particpants are:

  • Museums, libraries, archives and their associations
  • Ministries of education and cultural affairs, museum and heritage departments, and other cultural institutions
  • Research institutes for image processing, computer graphics, information and media science
  • Providers of multi-media and image processing systems, hardware, software, online information services and databases

Fifteen volumes of conference papers have been published so far in print and are successively being made available online and in OPEN ACCESS on arthistoricum.net - ART-Books. The print editions from 1996 until 2015 can be acquired via the contact address.

Bibliographic details

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Dr. Andreas Bienert
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Tel: +49 30 266 42 3301
E-Mail: eva-berlin@smb.spk-berlin.de

Published so far

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