How to Cite

Kultur unterwegs: Relevanz einer Instanz. Reisebilder, Dingwelten, Perspektiven: Barrier-free PDF, in Schleper, Thomas (Ed.): Kultur unterwegs: Relevanz einer Instanz: Reisebilder, Dingwelten, Perspektiven, Heidelberg:, 2021, p. .

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ISBN 978-3-98501-066-0 (PDF)




Thomas Schleper

Kultur unterwegs: Relevanz einer Instanz. Reisebilder, Dingwelten, Perspektiven

Barrier-free PDF

Why is it that culture today is no longer accorded the power that Jacob Burckhardt still attested to it as a matter of course? 13 experts from a wide range of cultural disciplines seek answers to the pandemic question of the relevance of culture. Culture can be a vital driver of sustainability, inclusion and democracy. To do so, it must take back its relative autonomy, understand itself politically, and be self-critical. What needs to be defended and where do we need to critique our tasks for a transformation? "Culture on the Move" illuminates multi-perspective approaches for an own judgment.