How to Cite

Floss, Harald: Willi Baumeister in Dialogue with Prehistoric Art: From Altamira to the Swabian Jura, in Seibert, Elke, Cabau, Agathe and Castor, Markus A. (Eds.): Discovering/Uncovering the Modernity of Prehistory, Heidelberg:, 2020 (Passages online, Volume 5), p. 37–61.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-947449-79-8 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948466-05-3 (Hardcover)




Harald Floss

Willi Baumeister in Dialogue with Prehistoric Art: From Altamira to the Swabian Jura

On the whole, it has become clear how much Baumeister’s work is permeated by topics from Ice Age art and prehistory. Indeed, this is only one topic out of many that inspired Baumeister, from archaeology, mythology, geology all the way to nature observation and others. But in the life of Baumeister, it is a heavily significant topic that is deeply internalized.