How to Cite

Raabe, Christian: Das Masterprogramm Architectural Conservation in Jordanien: Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum Aufbau von Qualifikationen für den Bestandsschutz in Krisengebieten, in Hönig, Svenja and Špikić, Marco (Eds.): Erschütterung. Erde und Erbe in der Krise: Tremor. Earth and Heritage in Crisis, Heidelberg:, 2024 (Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V., Volume 33), p. 144–149.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-281-7 (PDF)




Christian Raabe

Das Masterprogramm Architectural Conservation in Jordanien

Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum Aufbau von Qualifikationen für den Bestandsschutz in Krisengebieten

The project presented here is a sub-project of Zero Hour - A Future for the Time after the Crisis initiated by the DAI. The initiative, funded by the German Foreign Ministry, was a response to the destruction of cultural heritage, particularly in Syria and Iraq. It acknowledges that cultural heritage functions as an important catalyst for social cohesion and identity-building in addition to its material and cultural-historical value.
The project presented in this article is the Architectural Conservation course at the German Jordanien University that was developed in cooperation with TU Berlin and RWTH Aachen University. The aim of the Master’s program was to develop local capacities in the fields of cultural preservation, building research and monument conservation and to build up skills for future reconstruction planning. The program was primarily aimed at refugee students from Jordan's neighboring countries who wanted to dedicate themselves to the protection of cultural assets after the conflicts in their home countries. Furthermore, the intention was to provide an additional qualification in the context of a refugee existence in Jordan in the hope of facilitating access to the local labor market.