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Matthäus Merian d.Ä. und die Bilder des "Buch Lambspring"
Die Übertragung eines alchemischen Emblembuchs vom Manuskript in den Druck
In 1625, the first illustrated print edition of the late medieval alchemical emblem book Lambspring or De lapide philosophico was published in the anthologies Dyas chymica tripartita and Musaeum hermeticum. Matthäus Merian d.Ä. provided fifteen emblematic illustrations, each taking up nearly a whole page, and the title engraving. As models, he used various 16th and early 17th century Lambspring manuscripts which provided a base for his detailed engravings. Merian demonstrates his technical and alchemical knowledge by not simply copying the manuscripts’ illustrations, but modifying or adding elements, thus often adding a layer of depth and adapting the images for a contemporary audience.