How to Cite

Roßberg, Sophie: Die visuelle Repräsentation der Frau im mittelalterlichen Ritual: Die Kindsgeburt als Symbol der Liminalität, in Avrutina, Alexandra et al. (Eds.): VER – WANDLUNG – EN: Tagungsband anlässlich des 100. Kunsthistorischen Studierendenkongresses in München, Heidelberg:, 2024, p. 183–195.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-116-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-117-9 (Softcover)




Sophie Roßberg

Die visuelle Repräsentation der Frau im mittelalterlichen Ritual

Die Kindsgeburt als Symbol der Liminalität

The art historical article thematise the visual representation of women in ritual processes of the Middle Ages. To illustrate the childbirth serves as case study. Chosing this example a void in Victor Turner's theory of liminality is elaborated as his ideas applied to women prove to be vague. With the use of gender-specific implications it is revealed that medieval women are perpetually trapped in a status of liminality, although those women and their assistants like midwives play the significant role during birthing. The following argumentation distinguishes between a Christian tradition and the more reality-related visualisation of nativity.

Sophie Rossberg studied Art History, History and English Studies in Leipzig, Manchester and Cologne. Her master’s degree focussed on the visual representation of women in medieval rituals. She is currently pursuing her PhD with the Research Training Group 2212 "Dynamiken der Konventionalität (400-1550)" at the University of Cologne.