How to Cite

Fink, Xenia Mura: Emma Hamiltons fluide Faltenwürfe als Medium von Handlungsmacht, in Avrutina, Alexandra et al. (Eds.): VER – WANDLUNG – EN: Tagungsband anlässlich des 100. Kunsthistorischen Studierendenkongresses in München, Heidelberg:, 2024, p. 167–182.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-116-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-117-9 (Softcover)




Xenia Mura Fink

Emma Hamiltons fluide Faltenwürfe als Medium von Handlungsmacht

Within the performative oeuvre of Emma Hamilton, drapery as a continuously moving object in the face of neoclassicist longing for antiquity contains the potential for gender ambivalence. Research into queer desire in art and science at the end of the 18th century has mainly focused on bodies and artefacts read as male. Although Hamilton's performances seem closely linked to traditional images of femininity, ruptures reveal themselves in the relationship between presentation and reception. A re-reading of her attitudes through contemporary testimonies and works by other artists reveals agency and fluidity of gender presentation.

Xenia Mura-Fink is an artist and a PhD candidate at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, while also teaching drawing at various universities. Her practice encompasses works on paper, installations, and animation. In her research, she explores the charged intersections of figuration, desire, and the gaze.