How to Cite

Roßmy, Katharina: Verwandlungen im Porzellan: Eine digitale Führung durch das Bayerische Nationalmuseum München mit Frau Dr. Hantschmann, in Avrutina, Alexandra et al. (Eds.): VER – WANDLUNG – EN: Tagungsband anlässlich des 100. Kunsthistorischen Studierendenkongresses in München, Heidelberg:, 2024, p. 135–147.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-116-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-117-9 (Softcover)




Katharina Roßmy

Verwandlungen im Porzellan

Eine digitale Führung durch das Bayerische Nationalmuseum München mit Frau Dr. Hantschmann

As part of the 100th Art History Student Congress, Dr. Katharina Hantschmann from the Bavarian National Museum gave a digital tour of the collections. Under the motto VerWandlungeEn (TransFormationS), the focus of the tour was on the diverse changes and transformations that can be seen in the BNM. From the collection, which grew steadily under the aristocratic Wittelsbach family and numerous museum directors and thus developed different focuses, to porcelain as a changeable material of the 18th century, which always presents itself in a new way in terms of production, shape and depicted motif.