How to Cite

Rittgeroth, Antonia: Verwandeltes Ausstellen, verwandeltes Betrachten? Überlegungen zu der Ausstellung „Le Modèle Noir – Das Schwarze Modell von Géricault bis Matisse“, Paris, Musée Orsay, 26. März – 21. Juli 2019, in Avrutina, Alexandra et al. (Eds.): VER – WANDLUNG – EN: Tagungsband anlässlich des 100. Kunsthistorischen Studierendenkongresses in München, Heidelberg:, 2024, p. 103–122.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-116-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-117-9 (Softcover)




Antonia Rittgeroth

Verwandeltes Ausstellen, verwandeltes Betrachten?

Überlegungen zu der Ausstellung „Le Modèle Noir – Das Schwarze Modell von Géricault bis Matisse“, Paris, Musée Orsay, 26. März – 21. Juli 2019

In 2019, the Musée d'Orsay in Paris presented the exhibition "Le Modèle Noir - The Black Model from Gericault to Matisse", which featured 300 art works from the 18th to the mid-20th century, complemented by contemporary pieces. The aim of the show was to present the transformed meaning and way of looking at people of ,non-white‘ skin colour depicted in art works as a result of recent art historical research. But does the exhibition really suceed in initiating a change of perception? Or does it merely reproduce, like previous exhibitions and publications, an Euro- and North-Americano-centric view as well as a reinforcement of the dialectic "Corps Noir, Regard Blanc"?

Antonia Rittgeroth (she/her) studied Art History and English/American Studies B.A. at the University of Stuttgart and Art History and Museum Studies M.A. at the University of Bonn. Her main interests lie in the field of contemporary art; on the structures of the art market, collection processes and private collections, as well as their presentation in exhibition and museum contexts.

Antonia Rittgeroth is research and curatorial assistant at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. Additionally she works as freelance curator.