How to Cite

Bock, Sebastian: Das Faldistorium des Kardinals Raimund Peraudi, Heidelberg:, 2022 (Studien zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte am Oberrhein, Volume 1).


ISBN 978-3-98501-115-5 (HTML)





Sebastian Bock

Das Faldistorium des Kardinals Raimund Peraudi

The subject of the study is the faldistorium of Cardinal Raimund Peraudi (1435-1506), which he carried with him as legatus a latere on his legation journey through Germany in 1501-1504 to proclaim the plenary indulgence. In addition to the material and technical findings, the inscriptions of the piece are also examined. Further focal points are the so far unknown provenance and the purposes of the seat as well as its importance as the official seat of a cardinal legate. Furthermore, the art-historical position of the object, the question of its place of production as well as the possibilities which led to the transfer of the chair to the Konstanz Cathedral Treasury are discussed.

PD Dr. Sebastian Bock is an art historian and private lecturer at the Art History Institute of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. He is head of the department "Kirchliches Kunstgut und Erzb. Diözesanmuseum" in the Archbishop's Curia of Freiburg i. Br.


Table of Contents
I. Material-technischer Befund, Inschriften
II. Provenienzgeschichte
III. Der Kardinallegat Raimund Peraudi und seine dritte Legationsreise 1500–1504
IV. Zur Geschichte, Funktion und Symbolik des Faldistoriums
V. Zur Verwendung des Faldistoriums durch Kardinal Peraudi
VI. Zur kunsthistorischen Stellung des Faldistoriums
VII. Möglichkeiten der Verbringung des Faldistoriums in das Konstanzer Münster
VIII. Zusammenfassung / Summary / Résumé
IX. Literaturverzeichnis
X. Abbildungsnachweis
