Rasche, Adelheid

Adelheid Rasche

Luxus in Seide: Mode des 18. Jahrhunderts

Kulturgeschichtliche Spaziergänge im Germanischen Nationalmuseum, Volume 19

An unpublished silk gown in the rare andrienne silhouette and a red silk hoop skirt with whalebone support (1750) are the main focus of this book. They are complemented by jewelry and accessories, including an early linen parasol with printed designs in blue. Three professions – dressmakers, embroiderers (both male and female), and silk weavers – are discussed in detail. This study reveals the complex meaning of women’s fashion in the eighteenth century, which served to represent class status and also had great economic and cultural value. On the basis of about 100 objects from the collection of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, this volume offers substantial insight into the French-influenced luxury clothing of the Rococo period.

Esther Meier (Ed.), Adelheid Rasche (Ed.)

Stoff der Protestanten: Textilien und Kleidung in den lutherischen und reformierten Konfessionen

Wissenschaftliche Beibände zum Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Volume 46

Textiles and clothing play a significant role in Christianity. After the Reformation, various textiles and types of garments took on specific denominational character for adherents of the Lutheran and Reformed faiths. Depending on the spaces in which such items were used, and by whom, they could be expressive of theological convictions and church ceremonies, social order and political power, and religious knowledge and economic strategies. The essays in this conference volume analyze the manifold layers of meaning that Protestant denominations ascribed to clothing and textiles from the Reformation period to about 1900.