Hoefert, Ute Christiane

Ute Christiane Hoefert

Rollenflexibilität und Demokratisierung in der Kunst: Der Konzeptkünstler, Mail Artist und Networker H. R. Fricker

The Swiss artist Hans Ruedi Fricker, born in 1947, has been practicing mail art since 1981. This form of art takes place in an open network where participants exchange objects and self-designed stamps, postcards, and envelopes by mail. Furthermore, they exhibit, collect and preserve mail art. Even before his mail art activity, Fricker intended to de-hierarchize, decentralize and finally democratize the art market, which he perceived as elitist. He belongs to a new type of artist who reacts to current events in a fresh manner and is with his art committed to personal and social processes.

A documentary about mail art is part of the publication. The documentary will be submitted to festivals and will be published later.

Trailer and Movie