Heinlein, Stefan

Stefan Heinlein

Wilhelm Heinrich von Nassau-Saarbrücken und seine Vision vom Himmlischen Jerusalem: Ein Held in den Künsten des Friedens. Dem Fürsten zum 300. Geburtstag

The national objective of the Prince of Wilhelm Heinrich von Nassau-Saarbrücken was essentially the protection of his own little country. Frequently the french army marched in Nassau-Saarbrücken to make war on the Holy Empire. The consequence was death, destructions und expulsion. The Prince wanted to stop this cruel fate, he wanted to accomplish a change. So he became french commanding officer, otherwise he absorbed for his country the iconography of the sun of the french King Louis XIV. The climax of the development was the building of the Ludwigskirche in Saarbrücken (1762) as a sign of the anticipated Holy Jerusalem on earth.