Hofbauer, Michael

Michael Hofbauer

Corpus Cranach: Lucas Cranach I und Lucas Cranach II Verzeichnis der Gemälde unter Berücksichtigung von Werkstattumfeld und Epigonen

Since 2006, the author has been systematically collecting images of works as well as digital data on Lucas Cranach and his environment. In January 2010, an overview of the panel works was published within the database cranach.net, which included about 3060 works at the time of the catalog publication. All individual works are documented in detail in dossiers with a constantly growing volume of data, taking into account the scientific discourse. With more than 11000 painting images, 6100 documents, 21000 files and 3000 recorded publications, unprecedented possibilities are available to the scientific community. As tools of digital art history, the linked database structure forms the prerequisites for an accelerating gain in knowledge.
CORPUS CRANACH shows an overview of all works, which are provided with persistent work numbers for identification and are catalogued according to motif. This makes it possible for the first time to systematically evaluate the oeuvre of the Cranach workshops and their epigones.

Michael Hofbauer

Cranach - Parerga und Paralipomena: Neues zu Lucas Cranach und seinen Söhnen

Within 16 detailed essays, various aspects of Cranach research are covered. They show a selection of results from working with the database www.cranach.net, including four reattributions of portraits previously considered as early works by Cranach. Working with this digital research database has yielded countless other new findings, which are documented within extensive digital dossiers of the works in the CORPUS CRANACH catalog raisonné. The volume of essays aims to build a bridge to new methods of digital art history, which enable a considerable acceleration of the scientific discourse and, consequently, a faster gain of knowledge.