Leenhardt, Jacques

Danièle Perrier (Ed.), Ellen Wagner (Ed.)

Kunstkritik in Zeiten von Populismen und Nationalismen: Akten des 52. internationalen AICA Kongresses, Köln/Berlin 1. bis 7. Oktober 2019

This publication documents the 52nd International Congress of the Art Critics Association (AICA), which met in 2019 in Cologne and Berlin to discuss the topic of Art Criticism in Times of Populism and Nationalism. More than forty speakers and moderators provided a definition of populism, addressed issues of discrimination, censorship in many countries, and the appropriation of artistic strategies in ‘right-wing’ language use. The autonomy and responsibility of art and art criticism were also thematised. The discussions reproduced here in text form reveal the full complexity of the topic.
The documentation is published in two separate German and English volumes.

Thomas Kirchner (Ed.), Laurence Bertrand Dorléac (Ed.), Déborah Laks (Ed.), Nele Putz (Ed.)

Les Arts à Paris après la Libération: Temps et Temporalités

Passages online, Volume 2

The volume sheds new light on the Parisian art world after the Second World War, its protagonists, inter(national) dimensions and aesthetic challenges. It assembles a selection of contributions of the annual congress 2014/15 held at the German Center for Art History Paris as well as  further results of research undertaken during that same year. Besides questions of historiography the publication focuses on case studies in which renowned artists like Giacometti, Picasso and Brassaï are analized. Furthermore, new protagonists, institutions and media are introduced and innovative perspectives developed. The volume thus makes a valuable contribution to the reevaluation of art of the postwar period.