Hirschfelder, Dagmar

Daniel Hess (Ed.), Dagmar Hirschfelder (Ed.)

Renaissance · Barock · Aufklärung: Kunst und Kultur vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert

Die Schausammlungen des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Band 3

This title accompanies the permanent exhibition at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum on art and cultural history of the German-speaking world during the 16th to 18th centuries. The exhibition has been on display since 2010. It features about 1,000 exhibits in 33 rooms and addresses central themes of the early modern period such as collecting and presenting, the reception of antiquity and nature studies, the correlation between art and religion and the changing image of humanity. The complementing publication includes papers that deal with these key themes in a detailed manner. It also comprises a scientific catalogue of all exhibits. Paintings and sculptures, including masterpieces by Albrecht Dürer, Peter Vischer, Lucas Cranach or Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, as well as stained glasses, graphic prints and illustrated books, art handicraft, textiles, jewellery, medals, furniture and musical instruments are being put into their artistic and historical contexts on the basis of the most recent research. In this attractively designed volume about two thirds of the 1,000 exhibits are being presented in high quality colour prints.

Jutta Zander-Seidel (Ed.)

In Mode: Kleider und Bilder aus Renaissance und Frühbarock

Accompanying the exhibition in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum from 3 December 2015 until 6 March 2016 the volume features 50 costumes from the museum's collection dated between 1560 and 1650 that - along with international loans - were shown in this special exhibition for the first time. They are presented in the context of contemporary paintings and graphic art works that depict the original effect of the clothes and the way they were worn, in this way indicating a person's social status. Illustrated leaflets included in the volume furthermore show critical views on fashion that were spread at the same time. The exhibition volume also features rare pieces of everyday clothing from the 16th and 17th centuries, including the finds from a tailor's workshop in Bremen, as well as of working equipment such as needles, scissors, thimbles or clothes brushes. The section "Focus on Restauration" concentrates on the elaborate forms of production and conservatory work using the example of chosen exhibits. The appendix lists materials of and techniques relevant to the garments. The catalogue, finally, features close ups of forms, materials and decor of early modern clothing, thus making the forgotten messages engrained in the garments visible to observers and readers today.

Frank Matthias Kammel (Ed.)

Enthüllungen: Restaurierte Kunstwerke von Riemenschneider bis Kremser Schmidt

In einem vierjährigen Projekt wurden 21 hochrangige Gemälde und Skulpturen, u.a. von Riemenschneider, Altdorfer, Wertinger, Mauch und Kremser Schmidt, kunsttechnologisch untersucht und restauriert. Die Ergebnisse der Restaurierung sowie die kunsttechnischen und kunstgeschichtlichen Forschungen werden erstmals im Rahmen der Ausstellung und in der vorliegenden Begleitpublikation präsentiert.