
Schreg, Rainer: Land Management as a Factor in the Transformation of Rural Landscapes: Comparative Case Studies with Special Attention to the Early and High Middle Ages, in Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate und Schick, Robert (Hrsg.): Transformations of City and Countryside in the Byzantine Period, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2021 (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, Band 22), S. 67–82. https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.810.c10851

Identifier (Buch)

ISBN 978-3-96929-024-8 (PDF)




Rainer Schreg

Land Management as a Factor in the Transformation of Rural Landscapes

Comparative Case Studies with Special Attention to the Early and High Middle Ages