Hildebrandt, Ludwig H.

Roland Prien (Ed.), Christian Witschel (Ed.)

LOPODVNVM VII: Ladenburg und der Lobdengau zwischen ‚Limesfall‘ und den Karolingern

The town of Ladenburg looks back on a rich historical heritage: In the Roman era, Lopodunum was the capital of an extensive municipality, the civitas Ulpia Sueborum Nicrensium, and from the Carolingian period onward, Lobedtenburc is documented as the center of the Lobdengau. For the period in between, written sources are largely missing; all the more important are archaeological features and finds. The most important of these are presented in the volume at hand and embedded in the historical context. For instance, a group of Postumus coins from Ladenburg are presented, new interpretations of the late Roman burgus and the medieval ‘bishop's court’ are discussed, and recent findings on a Carolingian cemetery in the city area are presented. The surroundings of Ladenburg are represented by overviews on the richly equipped early medieval cemeteries of the region and on recent settlement excavations. Critical re-evaluations of written sources as well as historical-archaeological syntheses on the various possible scenarios of the 'Fall of the Limes' and on comparative regions such as the Palatinate in Late Antiquity complete the volume.

Heiko Steuer (Ed.), Ulrich Zimmermann (Ed.)

Montanarchäologie in Europa: Berichte zum Internationalen Kolloquium »Frühe Erzgewinnung und Verhüttung in Europa« in Freiburg im Breisgau vom 4. bis 7. Oktober 1990

Based on the papers presented at an international and interdisciplinary symposium (October 1990) in Freiburg/Br., this volume offers an overview of the latest montanarchaeological investigations in almost all of Europe. The more than 40 contributions span the time from prehistoric to early modern mining. The mining of gold and silver, of non-ferrous metals as well as of iron is taken into account, whereby the path from ore mining via smelting to the further processing of the raw metals is shown and keywords such as working conditions and environmental influences indicate the thematic diversity of the volume. The book, which is equipped with an extensive index of locations and more than 300 illustrations, vividly illustrates the research approaches, methods and previous results of mining archaeology.