
 FEST Forschung

FEST Forschung

The series "FEST Forschung" brings together research contributions from the ongoing scientific work of the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST) in Heidelberg. The range of topics in the series reflects the main areas of research at FEST: Peace – Sustainable Development - Religion, Law and Culture – Theology and Natural Science. The contributions to the series focus on current social issues and discourses. They provide analyses for the scientific field and give orientation for churches, society and politics.

 FEST kompakt

FEST kompakt

Analysen – Stellungnahmen – Perspektiven

The series „FEST kompakt“ brings together contributions on current political and social issues from the ongoing work of the interdisciplinary research centre of the Protestant Studies Association (FEST) in Heidelberg. Each volume introduces – starting from a central concept, a current controversy or a thesis to be discussed – into a scientific field. The aim is to present essential topics and questions in a way that is generally understandable to interested parties.

 Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

In the series Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg  (“Catalogues of Heidelberg University Library") are published scientifically compiled catalogues of historical book collections which are either kept at Heidelberg University Library or which are of particular importance for the intellectual history of the university and the country. These include, in particular, medieval manuscripts, early printed works and written testimonies from the early modern period. In addition to its own holdings, there are the volumes of the historical Bibliotheca Palatina, which are no longer in Heidelberg but for the most part in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.

 Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The publication series, established in 1999, includes catalogues of exhibitions - mostly presenting in-house-collections - which took place  at Heidelberg University Library, in collaboration with institutes of
Heidelberg University or external partners. The series also comprises  several inventories of significant estates edited by the University Library. Individual volumes are gradually being made available online.
Printed versions can be bought in bookshops or ordered directly from the University library.

 Universitätsmuseum Heidelberg

Universitätsmuseum Heidelberg


While offering insights into the multifaceted areas of research at the Ruperto Carola - from big bang theory to contemporary Art - the exhibitions also show the output of teaching courses and contributions from civic organisations regarding university related subjects. Often these small exhibitions are documented in companion volumes published in  the series "Universitätsmuseum Heidelberg. Kataloge".

Originally designed as a handout for visitors, they are now accessible to a wider audience, thanks to the online publication of the catalogues by the University Museum of Heidelberg with the support of the University Library.
With their condensed content and clear presentation they are helpful both to experts who are researching rarely published objects and archives, and to the interested amateur who would like to learn more about an unusual topic.