van Oorschot, Frederike

Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.), Selina Fucker (Ed.)

Framing KI: Narrative, Metaphern und Frames in Debatten über Künstliche Intelligenz

FEST Forschung, Volume 2

In social, political and media debates, "artificial intelligence" is described as a savior, extension or threat to humans. These descriptions construct social imaginations that frame individual and societal discourse about AI. The volume combines case studies of these frames, narratives and metaphors with a reflection on the associated ethical questions under the task of imagination-sensitive ethics. It thus offers the first interdisciplinary introduction to the imagination of artificial intelligence from media studies, communication studies, linguistics, film studies and media ethics.

Frederike van Oorschot

Digitale Theologie und digitale Kirche: Eine Orientierung

FEST kompakt, Volume 7

Worship services online, pastoral care via Instagram, Facebook churches, and religious influencers on YouTube – the phenomena of digital church and digital theology are diverse and have been growing rapidly since the pandemic, in the German-speaking world and elsewhere. This volume aims to serve as a map in this field: it maps debates around the German conceptualizations of ‘digital church’ and ‘digital theology’ and thus serves as an introduction to and overview of the rapidly growing field of debate and research since 2020.

Benjamin Held (Ed.), Thomas Kirchhoff (Ed.), Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.), Philipp Stoellger (Ed.), Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (Ed.)

Corona als Riss: Perspektiven für Kirche, Politik und Ökonomie

FEST kompakt, Volume 1

The corona pandemic has changed our everyday life, politics and economy in a way that was previously unimaginable. What was previously taken for granted no longer applies – cracks have appeared in the continuity of our worldview and way of life. Some of them have a revealing effect, others lead to ruptures or can hardly be held together. In the hope of controlling the pandemic our possibilities have been limited. Alternatives – not infrequently stopgaps – are developing into a new 'normal'. How can we react to the pandemic and the problems and dilemmas it causes? How can we embrace the emerging opportunities? The authors develop perspectives for the time with and after Corona.

Benjamin Held (Ed.), Thomas Kirchhoff (Ed.), Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.), Philipp Stoellger (Ed.), Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (Ed.)


FEST kompakt, Volume 3

"In the beginning was the rupture" – and it didn't stop at just one. The social, political, psychological, legal, ethical, economic, religious and ecclesiastical consequences of Corona will continue to affect living and future generations for years, if not decades. The scientific, literary, aesthetic and simply discursive everyday processing of this re-experience, a "collective trauma," will take time. Against this background, the authors in this volume - following on from the first FEST kompakt volume – take a look at the complex topic of corona impact assessment from different disciplinary perspectives.