Fachinformationsdienst Darstellende Kunst
The Specialised Information Service Performing Arts (FID DK) is a service of the Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library (UB JCS) and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2015.
FID DK offers researchers in theatre and dance studies needs-based access to knowledge resources that were previously difficult to reach. The service acts as a coordinating interface between those involved in science and research as well as memory institutions. The FID DK portal www.performing-arts.eu offers researchers and interested parties a convenient way of accessing the collection holdings and thus supports the infrastructure of the memory institutions of the performing arts. New (data) collections are regularly added to the holdings, with the focus on providing unique archive material.
The FID DK team supports the handling of research results and data collections with advisory services and the organisation of workshops and working meetings.