

The series KUNSTmaterial, published by the Swiss Institute of Art Research (SIK-ISEA), has been appearing at irregular intervals and with different publishers since 2007. It presents scientific results that have been developed in an exchange between the disciplines of art technology/restoration science, material analysis and art history, also in collaboration with other institutions and specialists. The thematic focus is on materials and techniques of painting around 1900. Karoline Beltinger is responsible for the publication; articles are published by invitation.

Bibliographic details


Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA), Zürich / Lausanne
PD Dr. Roger Fayet, Direktor, Zürich
Marianne Wackernagel, lic. phil., Leiterin Wissenschaftsforum, Zürich

Homepage Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA)

Published so far

Karoline Beltinger

Hans Emmenegger. «Maltechnik-Notizbuch» und Werkprozess 1901–1905

KUNSTmaterial, Volume 6

With the aim of further developing his painting technique and improving the durability of his paintings, the Swiss painter Hans Emmenegger (1866-1940) meticulously documented his working processes, materials and techniques between 1901 and 1905. His ‘painting technique notebook’ was evaluated at the Swiss Institute of Art Research in Zurich and linked to the results of technological painting analyses. This volume presents the results of this research. Emmenegger's search for subjects, the function of studies, the painting process, his struggle for pictorial colour, his technical experiments and much more are explained.