How to Cite

Humananatomische Präparate und die Künstlerausbildung an der Dresdner Akademie, in Fuchs, Jakob, Herm, Christoph and Mohrmann, Ivo (Eds.): Humananatomische Präparate / Human Anatomical Preparations: Geschichte, Herstellungstechniken und Ethik in der Konservierung / History, Manufacturing Techniques and Ethics in Conservation, Heidelberg:, 2023, p. 5–22.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-187-2 (PDF)




Ivo Mohrmann

Humananatomische Präparate und die Künstlerausbildung an der Dresdner Akademie

The study of the human body brought physicians and artists together very intensively in Dresden, especially since the founding of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1764. What was the significance of anatomy as an auxiliary science for the training of artists and what contribution have artists made as draughtsmen, taxidermists, but also as designers of models up to the present day?