How to Cite

Bazin, Jérôme and Kordjak, Joanna: Curatorial considerations on exhibiting design from the 1950s — What narrative for socialist modernism?, in Bußmann, Frédéric and Kopka, Diana (Eds.): Matrix Moderne | Ostmoderne: Bauen, baubezogene Kunst und Formgestaltung in Ostdeutschland und dem Europa der Nachkriegszeit, Heidelberg:, 2023 (Aurora: Chemnitzer Schriften zu Kunst und Kultur, Volume 3), p. 264–271.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-98501-179-7 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-178-0 (Softcover)

Curatorial considerations on exhibiting design from the 1950s — What narrative for socialist modernism?

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