Ziegler, Ágnes

Anja Kregeloh (Ed.)

Anatolische Teppiche aus Bistritz/Bistrița: Die Sammlung der Evangelischen Stadtkirche A. B. im Germanischen Nationalmuseum

The publication contains the results of the 2017-2020 interdisciplinary research project on the Anatolian rugs from the Protestant Church A. C. in Bistriţa. During their flight in 1944, members of the church congregation brought the rugs with them, along with other valuable objects, and deposited them on loan in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in 1952. The collection could now be examined in detail for the first time in terms of art history and technology. On the basis of comparisons with other collections and the evaluation of written sources, especially from Bistriţa, Braşov and Sibiu, the collection was classified from its history of origin to its current significance for the memory of the homeland of the Transylvanian-Saxon refugees.