Siemer, Sabine

Sabine Siemer

Die Passionsdarstellungen von Albrecht Dürer: Theologie und Rezeptionsästhetik

Why did Dürer in his books of the Passion of Jesus Christ arrange Christ’s Decent Into Hell immediately after the Crucifixion instead of, as theologically and traditionally expected, in front of the Resurrection? This question started the interdisciplinary dissertation concerning Albrecht Dürers depictions of the Passion of Jesus Christ. On one hand, it examines which theological message the Nuremberg artist conveys in his passions scenes and to what capacity he implements (pre‑)reformatory ideas. On the other hand, this work covers the question how Dürer involves the viewer in his depictions and how he challenges - stimulated by the new humanist conception of man - to think anew and independently about the Passion of Jesus Christ.