Petrou, Anastasios

Larissa Eikermann (Ed.), Sabine Schmitz (Ed.)

Belgischer Symbolismus zum Be/Greifen nah: Museumskoffer zum Werk von Léon Spiliaert und George Minne

Belgian Symbolism has been rediscovered in recent decades. While artists such as Léon Spilliaert and George Minne were long an insiders’ tip, they now captivate a broad audience. Still, many works of this art movement are considered as attractive as they are difficult to access due to the sophisticated formal language, hidden meanings, and mystical visions that characterize them. The ˈMuseum Coffersˈ open up the possibility of discovering and understanding them in their cultural and art historical context. This is impressively demonstrated by the museum coffers presented here: they turn cultural learning into a holistic experience and open doors to new worlds.