Nordhoff, Claudia

Treffpunkt Rom 1810: Die Geschichte eines Künstlerstammbuchs

Kataloge der Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Vol. 68, ed. by Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel

In 2019 Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel was able to acquire an unpublished “album amicorum” which the Livonian nobleman Wilhelm von Blankenhagen (1761–1840) collected in Rome in 1810. The collection includes over 30 drawings by such important artists as Thorvaldsen, Koch or the Lukas brothers Overbeck and Pforr. Russian and Livonian artists such as Matvejeff or Grass are represented, as are the English archaeologist and Greece traveler Dodwell. Like Schick or Rauch, most of the artists came from Caroline von Humboldt's circle.
The importance of the album for research is great. With an excellent basis of sources, it exemplifies the network of relationships between the artists of the Humboldt Circle.