Kraut, Romy

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Ed.), Nationalgalerie in Prag (Ed.)

Aufzeichnungen des Prof. Barvitius über seine Reise nach Dresden, Berlin u. München / Quellenband: Online-Edition einer Schlüsselquelle zur deutsch-böhmischen Museumsgeschichte des späten 19. Jahrhunderts

The demands on a modern museum are many and varied: How can a diverse audience be reached? How can an object be presented best? How can the security of artworks be ensured? These questions are not new, as handwritten records of the gallery inspector Victor Barvitius (1834-1902) from 1883 show. Barvitius had been entrusted with the establishment of the Prague Picture Gallery. In August and September 1883, Barvitius visited the Picture Galleries in Dresden, Berlin and Munich in order to learn about all aspects of museum life. He discussed with museum directors and restorers, studied visiting regulations, documented the condition of individual paintings, and observed everyday museum life.