
Franz, Birgit: Entspannung durch Landschaftsgenuss: Das Teehaus Ruppertsberg. Zum Erhalt einer der schönsten Landmarken an der Deutschen Weinstraße, in Herold, Stephanie und Vinken, Gerhard (Hrsg.): Denkmal_Emotion: Politisierung – Mobilisierung – Bindung, Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net, 2021 (Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V., Band 30), S. 138–147. https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.920.c13270

Identifier (Buch)

ISBN 978-3-98501-043-1 (PDF)




Birgit Franz

Entspannung durch Landschaftsgenuss

Das Teehaus Ruppertsberg. Zum Erhalt einer der schönsten Landmarken an der Deutschen Weinstraße

Taking as an example of the reconstruction of the Ruppertsberg Tea House, a monument of architectural and landscape design which is visible for miles around, the author demonstrates the significance of positively-connotated interpretation efforts for the success of volunteer engagement. The focus lies with the factual and emotional interactions that led to the formation of a non-profit advocacy group dedicated to realizing the goal of rebuilding the Tea House, which was badly damaged by fire, and thereby committed to taking on all of the rights and obligations associated with such a project. This commitment pertains both to the surrender of property rights and to the securing of financing to cover the estimated 900,000 Euro price-tag of the work. The acquisition of grants, of donations in cash or materials, but also of necessary loans, are tasks that must be taken on unanimously by the group to the greatest extent possible. The resources of those involved must be kept in balance, since everything depends on keeping to the window of time for which the reconstruction work is planned. Finally, it will only be possible to refinance the debt once the building is once again in use. The essay also traces those effects of the fire that has brought together this varied group of people in their desire to repair the injury to the historic building – people who recognize that the identity of the local community has been negatively affected by the loss of this landmark. Not least, it explores the genius loci that could be said to be inscribed in the building’s stones, since in the course of the shared effort, the emotional basis for communal mobilization, bonding and seduction, for willing yet temporary complicity for the sake of meeting a great challenge, was also revealed. The result is the securing of a future for this jewel in its prominent setting.