Rintallo, Alessandro

Eva von Engelberg-Dočkal (Ed.), Oliver Trepte (Ed.)

Stadtbilder Weimar: Städtische Ensembles und ihre Inszenierungen nach der politischen Wende

The result of a seminar held at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the summer semester of 2018, this volume offers a discerning overview of architectural and urban development in Weimar after the political change. The common perception of the inner city as a still-intact historical centre is critically reflected upon. The extent of construction and its influence on present cityscapes is discussed based on the examination of several different areas. Beginning with the building activities of the 1990s, the articles discuss the creation of urban identity, especially Weimar’s role in the Model City Programme, as UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a European Cultural City in 1999. The main questions focus on dominant themes and defining identifying objects, particularly regarding modern architecture coexisting with the traditional motif of the classic city.