Pfäfflin, Anna Marie

Birgit Verwiebe (Ed.)

Die Sammlung der Nationalgalerie zum langen 19. Jahrhundert: Erwerbung, Forschung, Dokumentation, Vermittlung

At the time of its founding, the National Gallery initially owned national and international art from the first half of the 19th century. Subsequently, the collection was expanded to include works from current art movements. On the occasion of the publication of the catalog of 19th-century paintings in 2017, a colloquium was held that focused on central aspects of the history of the Nationalgalerie’s collection. The lectures dealt, among other things, with various parts of the collection, with catalogs and documentation, with acquisition practices, with the plurality of modernity, with popularization and communication strategies. The contributions to this conference are now being made available to science and the interested public in this volume.

Maria Effinger (Ed.), Stephan Hoppe (Ed.), Harald Klinke (Ed.), Bernd Krysmanski (Ed.)

Von analogen und digitalen Zugängen zur Kunst: Festschrift für Hubertus Kohle zum 60. Geburtstag

Hubertus Kohle is an art historian and professor who has made a name for himself in Germany especially with his research on the art of the European Enlightenment and the nineteenth century. He opened up his discipline early on to digital processes and concepts and has been committed to electronic publishing in Open Access for years. As one of the two directors of the renowned DFG Priority Programme "The Digital Image", he is currently also working on a multidisciplinary approach to the subject of the digital. On the occasion of his 60th birthday, he was honoured by numerous friends and academic companions with this commemorative publication, the content of which ties in with the focal points of his work - from the analogue beginnings dedicated to the art of the Age of Enlightenment to the current field of "digital art history". This commemorative volume is understood as an experimental online publication that was presented first to the birthday celebrant in a purely virtual version and is now also available as e-book.