Lippert, Hans-Georg

Eva von Engelberg-Dočkal (Ed.), Markus Krajewski (Ed.), Frederike Lausch (Ed.)

Mimetische Praktiken in der neueren Architektur: Prozesse und Formen der Ähnlichkeitserzeugung

Quotation, copy, montage, reconstruction, imitation and mimicry are typical approaches in the architect's daily routine. Until today, the paradigm of originality is still predominant and clouding the view on mimetic phenomena. In 2016, the convention "Resemblance: Processes and Forms" was held at the library of the Werner Oechslin foundation in Einsiedeln. This volume is a collection of twelve papers contributed to the convention and two additional articles by the editors. The focus was set on researching the methods of generating similarity in recent architecture and was organised by the projects encompassed by the DFG-SNF-research group "Media and Mimesis."

Hans-Rudolf Meier (Ed.), Daniela Spiegel (Ed.)

Kulturreformer. Rassenideologe. Hochschuldirektor: Der lange Schatten des Paul Schultze-Naumburg

Being a co-founder of important institutions like the Werkbund and the Deutscher Bund Heimatschutz, Paul Schultze-Naumburg (1869-1949) belongs to the most important representatives of German cultural history of the early 20th century. After the First World War, though, the painter, author, entrepreneur, architect and politician radicalised himself developing an increasingly racist attitude and joining the NSDAP at an early stage.

From 1930 to 1940 Paul Schultze-Naumburg directed the “Staatliche Hochschulen für Baukunst, bildende Künste und Handwerk“ in Weimar. In his attempt to align the former Bauhaus with the new rulers' ideology, he developed an explicitly anti-modern didactic concept which focused on glorifying the tradition of german craftsmanship.

This volume takes a closer look at Paul Schultze-Naumburgs life and work as well as at the profile the Hochschule Weimar was given under his directorship. Further, the impact of this contradictory, difficult personality are discussed. The book presents the results of a scientific symposium, organized by the Bauhaus-Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Planung which was held at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on December 3rd & 4th, 2015.