Lembke, Katja

Katja Lembke (Ed.)

best of: 111 Geschichten aus dem Weltenmuseum

Why are fish in the Pacific more colourful than their relatives in the North Sea or the Baltic? Were there dinosaurs in Lower Saxony? Where did the first humans live? How did globalisation begin and when did art start?
This book provides answers to many such questions. In 111 objects, you are taken on a journey through the WeltenMuseum whose collections are a reflection of our world. Transcending space and time, they tell stories – from 240 million years old sea lilies to the present inhabitants of land and sea, from the Gamelan orchestra from faraway Indonesia to the gold necklace from Isenbüttel, from the earliest artisan products by the first humans to the world’s largest collection of German impressionists. Wonderful photos and captivating texts speak to all generations, providing an introduction to the secrets of our continent.

Katja Lembke (Ed.)

best of: 111 Stories from the WeltenMuseum

Why are fish in the Pacific more colourful than their relatives in the North Sea or the Baltic? Were there dinosaurs in Lower Saxony? Where did the first humans live? How did globalisation begin and when did art start?
This book provides answers to many such questions. In 111 objects, you are taken on a journey through the WeltenMuseum whose collections are a reflection of our world. Transcending space and time, they tell stories – from 240 million years old sea lilies to the present inhabitants of land and sea, from the Gamelan orchestra from faraway Indonesia to the gold necklace from Isenbüttel, from the earliest artisan products by the first humans to the world’s largest collection of German impressionists. Wonderful photos and captivating texts speak to all generations, providing an introduction to the secrets of our continent.

Claudia Andratschke (Ed.), Lars Müller (Ed.), Katja Lembke (Ed.)

Provenance Research on Collections from Colonial Contexts: Principles, Approaches, Challenges

This volume compiles the contributions at the International Conference of the same name, which was held at Leibniz University Hanover in June 2021. The conference was planned by the collaborative project "Provenance Research on Non-European Collections and Ethnology in Lower Saxony" (PAESE), coordinated at the State Museum Hanover. The aim was to bring together actors from different perspectives to discuss questions, methods and (preliminary) results in the field of provenance research on collections from colonial contexts.