Kregeloh, Anja

Anja Kregeloh (Ed.)

Anatolische Teppiche aus Bistritz/Bistrița: Die Sammlung der Evangelischen Stadtkirche A. B. im Germanischen Nationalmuseum

The publication contains the results of the 2017-2020 interdisciplinary research project on the Anatolian rugs from the Protestant Church A. C. in Bistriţa. During their flight in 1944, members of the church congregation brought the rugs with them, along with other valuable objects, and deposited them on loan in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in 1952. The collection could now be examined in detail for the first time in terms of art history and technology. On the basis of comparisons with other collections and the evaluation of written sources, especially from Bistriţa, Braşov and Sibiu, the collection was classified from its history of origin to its current significance for the memory of the homeland of the Transylvanian-Saxon refugees.

Jutta Zander-Seidel (Ed.)

In Mode: Kleider und Bilder aus Renaissance und Frühbarock

Accompanying the exhibition in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum from 3 December 2015 until 6 March 2016 the volume features 50 costumes from the museum's collection dated between 1560 and 1650 that - along with international loans - were shown in this special exhibition for the first time. They are presented in the context of contemporary paintings and graphic art works that depict the original effect of the clothes and the way they were worn, in this way indicating a person's social status. Illustrated leaflets included in the volume furthermore show critical views on fashion that were spread at the same time. The exhibition volume also features rare pieces of everyday clothing from the 16th and 17th centuries, including the finds from a tailor's workshop in Bremen, as well as of working equipment such as needles, scissors, thimbles or clothes brushes. The section "Focus on Restauration" concentrates on the elaborate forms of production and conservatory work using the example of chosen exhibits. The appendix lists materials of and techniques relevant to the garments. The catalogue, finally, features close ups of forms, materials and decor of early modern clothing, thus making the forgotten messages engrained in the garments visible to observers and readers today.

Claudia Selheim (Ed.), G. Ulrich Großmann (Ed.)

Reisebegleiter – mehr als nur Gepäck

Aussehen und Material von Reisegepäck passten sich in den letzten 250 Jahren den veränderten Verkehrsmitteln und Bedürfnissen einer zunehmend mobileren Gesellschaft an. Die 23 Beiträge des Ausstellungsbegleitbandes präsentieren die breite Palette an Gepäckstücken von der Gesindetruhe über den Schrankkoffer bis zu Bord-Case und Plastiktüte und bilden nahezu alle Exponate der Ausstellung zumeist in Farbe ab.
Erstmals sind Materialität, Funktionalität und zeitliche Einordnung gemeinsam erfasst. Unterschiedlichste Facetten von „Reisebegleitern“ wie Kofferwerbung, der Gepäckverkehr bei der Bahn, Militärgepäck, der Koffer im Museum, Gepäckversicherung, das Schreiben auf Reisen oder umfangreiche Reiseservice erscheinen in ihrem jeweiligen kulturgeschichtlichen Kontext. Im Anhang sind nach dem Ausstellungsplan die technischen Daten der Exponate erfasst.

Julia Trinkert (Ed.), Philipp Zitzlsperger (Ed.)

Parvenue: Bürgerlicher Aufstieg im Spiegel der Objektkultur im 18. Jahrhundert

Parvenus of the 18th century are social actors with a special orientation, as they were more dependent than others on the use of material culture for rapid career advancement in the competitive societies of the early modern period. For representation through the arts and crafts, their central challenge was to prudently moderate the use of artefacts for this purpose between conformity and distinction. As instruments of vertical social mobility that have received little attention so far, (art) objects and their identity-creating attributions of meaning therefore play a prominent role: they are the foundation of a social-historically flanked history of art and images.

Heike Zech (Ed.)

Horizonte - Horizons: Geschichten und Zukunft der Migration / Histories and Future of Migration

Venturing into the unknown is one of the fundamental experiences of humanity, a throughline from the Stone Age to the space age, and part of every family history. Where to go? What to take with you? This volume introduces people who have become migrants for a large variety of reasons, including author Judith Kerr and artist Gerhard Richter. Their stories highlight that art and culture also depend on migration. Following the phases of migration, from departure to arrival and arriving, the volume’s authors describe experiences of migration. The final chapter is a glimpse into the future, i.e. mankind’s step into space between science and fiction.